Monday, January 28, 2013

Post Your Score Here

During the Beta phase of developing this game we will have you post your score in the comments section. Since we only allow anonymous comments make sure you include your nickname in your comments so we can award the bonus points to the right couple.

Each Friday we will add the bonus points you can earn from interacting with the online portion of the game and announce a weekly winner. In the near future we will have the weekly winners compete against each other for valuable prizes.

You can earn additional points by interacting with the online portion of the game in the following ways.

  • 10 points for adding a comment to any post that has a * in the title. 20 points maximum will be awarded for this bonus activity.
  • 50, 30 and 15 points will be awarded to the best ideas for a $20 date. We will select three ideas that have been posted and then your fellow participants will vote on the best ones.
  • 50, 30, and 15 points will be awarded to the top 3 most insightful comments on what you experienced while playing the game. We will select 3 comments and your fellow participants will vote on the best ones.
  • 50, 30 and 15 points will be awarded to the top 3 most helpful comments on obstacles your fellow participants encountered while playing the game. We will select 3 comments and your fellow participants will vote on the best ones.

With the funds we are raising through we will develop an app that can automatically upload your score after you complete each expedition and make this whole gaming experience even better. So if you want to speed up the process you can donate to the project by clicking here. In return when you donate at least $10 we will give you access to the rest of level one for free.

1 comment:

Please keep all comments relevant and at a PG level.

Only comments that are published using the anonymous option will be approved.