Overview of the Game

We created a quick overview of the game for Kickstarter that you can watch by clicking on the photo above. Don't worry. The video is very tasteful and would get a maximum of a PG rating.

Currently this game is in the beta phase of development. We would love your feedback on it.

OurLoveFire.com is the online game you play in real life to increase the flames of desire and passion in your marriage.

Can you remember what it felt like when you were first falling in love?  How excited and passionate you were. It seemed like you were drinking from the fountain of youth itself. Your desire for physical intimacy was off the charts. Your physical energy seemed limitless.

Wouldn't it be fun if you could feel like that again?

You can!

Any couple at any age or stage of marriage can play the OurLoveFire.com game and increase the size and intensity of the flames of desire and passion. 

So why are we so confident you can experience these same results? Because the game is based on decades of research that has helped countless couples achieve these results. We have read the research and translated it into fun activities you can undertake on each expedition.

With each expedition you go on and each level you finish, your love fire will grow brighter and brighter and brighter.  The only question is how bright do you want it to get?

This game is rated M for Married. Before participating ask your doctor if you are healthy enough to participate in sexual activities.

If you are concerned about the M rating, you really don't need to be. You can quickly preview the game before you play it to make sure you are comfortable with all the activities. The audio transcript of everything you will be asked to do while playing the game can be found by clicking the audio tab above.

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